Spring Mvc Css Js Files
Easy stepbystep instructions on installing and configuring Tomcat 7 and using Eclipse to startstop it and deploy apps to it. Introducing Thymeleaf 1. What is Thymeleaf Thymeleaf is a Java library. It is an XMLXHTMLHTML5 template engine able to apply a set of transformations to. Spring 3 MVC Autocomplete with JQuery JSON Tutorial Example. Let us implement Autocomplete feature in Spring MVC application using JQuery. Best-way-to-put-JS-and-CSS-in-Spring-MVC-tutorial-Crunchify.png' alt='Spring Mvc Css Js Files' title='Spring Mvc Css Js Files' />Autocomplete is a feature youll see in almost all good web apps. It allows user to select proper values from a list of items. Adding this feature is recommended if the field has multiple 2. Related Autocomplete in Java JSPOur requirement is simple. We will have two fields Country and Technologies. Both these fields will have autocomplete feature so user will be able to select from list of countries and technologies. The country field can have only one value. But the technologies field can have multiple values separated by comma ,. Things We Need. Before we starts with our Spring MVC Autocomplete Example, we will need few tools. JDK 1. 5 above downloadTomcat 5. Glassfish, JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic etc downloadEclipse 3. JQuery UI Autocomplete downloadSpring 3. MVC JAR files download. Following are the list of JAR files required for this application. RELEASE A. jarorg. RELEASE A. jarorg. RELEASE A. jarorg. RELEASE A. jarorg. RELEASE A. jarorg. RELEASE A. jarorg. RELEASE A. jarcommons logging 1. Note that depending on the current version of Spring MVC, the version number of above jar files may change. Also note that we need jackson mapper and jackson core jars. This is required for generating JSON from our Spring MVC Controller. Getting Started. Let us start with our Spring 3. MVC based application. Open Eclipse and goto File New Project and select Dynamic Web Project in the New Project wizard screen. After selecting Dynamic Web Project, press Next. Write the name of the project. For example Spring. MVCAutocomplete. Once this is done, select the target runtime environment e. Apache Tomcat v. 6. This is to run the project inside Eclipse environment. After this press Finish. Once the project is created, you can see its structure in Project Explorer. This is how the project structure would look like once we finish the tutorial and add all source code. Now copy all the required JAR files in Web. Content WEB INF lib folder. Create this folder if it does not exists. The Dummy Database. Normally you would need a database from where youll fetch values required for autocomplete. But for sake of simplicity of this example we will write a Dummy. DB java class. Once the project is created, create a package net. Java class file Dummy. DB. java. Dummy. DB. File srcnetviralpatelspringmvcautocompleteDummy. DB. javapackage net. Array. List. import java. List. import java. String. Tokenizer. Dummy. DB. private Listlt String countries. Listlt String tags. Dummy. DB. String data Afghanistan,Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Deps,. United Kingdom,United States,Uruguay,Uzbekistan,Vanuatu,Vatican City,Venezuela,Vietnam,Yemen,Zambia,Zimbabwe. Array. Listlt String. String. Tokenizer st new String. Tokenizerdata, ,. Parse the country CSV list and set as Array. More. Tokens. Token. String str. Tags Share. Point, Spring, Struts, Java, JQuery, ASP, PHP, Java. Script, My. SQL, ASP,. NET. tags new Array. Listlt String. String. Tokenizer st. String. Tokenizerstr. Tags, ,. Parse the tags CSV list and set as Array. More. Tokens. Token. Listlt String get. Country. ListString query. String country null. Lower. Case. Listlt String matched new Array. Listlt String. Lower. Case. ifcountry. Withquery. Listlt String get. Tech. ListString query. String country null. Lower. Case. Listlt String matched new Array. Listlt String. Lower. Case. ifcountry. Withquery. The Dummy. DB. java contains the list of all the countries and technologies in a comma separated string value and a method get. Country. List and get. Tech. List that will return the list of countries and technologies starting with the string query passed as argument to that method. Thus if we pass IN to this method, it will return as all the countries starting with IN. You may want to change this code and add the database implementation here. Just a simple SELECT FROM lt table WHERE country LIKE query will serve the purpose. Now we write Spring. MVC Controller that returns JSON output for Autocomplete. The Spring MVC Controller. The spring mvc controller class that will process the request and returns JSON output. For this create a class User. Controller. java under package net. List. import org. Controller. import org. Request. Mapping. Request. Method. import org. Request. Param. import org. Magicka Full Game Non Steam'>Magicka Full Game Non Steam. Response. Body. import org. Model. And. View. User. Controller. Dummy. DB dummy. DB new Dummy. DB. Request. Mappingvalue index, method Request. Method. GET. public Model. And. View index. User user. Form new User. Model. And. Viewuser, user. Form, user. Form. Request. Mappingvalue getcountrylist. Request. Method. GET. Accept. public Response. Body Listlt String get. Country. ListRequest. Paramterm String query. Listlt String country. List dummy. DB. Country. Listquery. List. Request. Mappingvalue gettechlist. Request. Method. GET. Accept. public Response. Body Listlt String get. Tech. ListRequest. Paramterm String query. Listlt String country. List dummy. DB. Tech. Listquery. List. Note how we used Response. Body annotation in methods get. Country. List and get. Tech. List. Spring MVC converts the return type which in our case is List into JSON data. Following is the content of spring servlet. File Web. ContentWEB INFspring servlet. UTF 8. lt beans xmlnshttp www. XMLSchema instance. Locationhttp www. View. Resolver. classorg. Internal. Resource. View. Resolver. Class. Jstl. View. WEB INFjsp. The tag is required here. This lets Spring to process annotations like Response. Body. The below User. JSP. It is not required for this example. But for sake of Spring MVC we are using it. File srcnetviralpatelspringmvcautocompleteUser. User. private String name. String country. private String technologies. Getter and Setter methods. The JSP View. Now add JSP file which renders User form. Also we will add index. File Web. Contentindex. File Web. ContentWEB INFjspuser. Spring MVC Autocomplete with JQuery amp JSON examplelt title. Spring MVC Autocomplete with JQuery amp JSON examplelt h. Attributeuser. Form. Namelt th. lt td lt form input pathname lt td. Countrylt th. Technologieslt th. Save. lt input typereset valueReset. Lastterm. return splitterm. Context. request. Pathgetcountrylist. JSONpage. Context. Pathgettechlist. Lastrequest. Length. var term extract. Lastthis. value. Check the above JSP. We have added INPUT fields for Country and Technologies. Also we used. For country it was straightforward country. Invalid Inconsistent License Key Solidworks Viewer. This is because we need multiple technologies in textbox separated by comma. Thats All Folks. You may want to run the application see the result. I assume you have already configured Tomcat in eclipse. All you need to do Open Server view from Windows Show View Server. Right click in this view and select New Server and add your server details.