Games Chefville
GamesChefvilleChef. Ville is Shutting Down April 1, 2. Zynga has announced that their Chef. Ville game will be shutting down, forever, on April 3. It was a game where players could create virtual food by gathering up the correct ingredients and using the stove that contained that recipe. I cant explain why I thought this game was fun, other than to say that as someone who has a lot of food allergies, there is something about playing with virtual food that I found appealing. I started playing Chef. Games Chefville' title='Games Chefville' />Ville after I quit Facebook and no longer had access to Zyngas Cafe. Ville game. Id been playing Chef. Ville on the Zynga website, and it is kind of a bummer that the game will soon disappear. I wanted to put together a blog with some screenshots from Chef. Vile before the game becomes inaccessible. It surprised me that I felt disappointed to learn that the game was going away. Theres a few quests I hope to finish before thats no longer possible. The above screenshot shows Zyngas announcement about Chef. Ville shutting down. Games Chefville' title='Games Chefville' />It will pop up for players who try to play Chef. Ville after April 1, 2. It might be hard to read, so Ill write out what it said Dear Chefs,Chef. Ville will be shutting down on April 3. If you have coins in your account, you can use them to access the games current content until then. For centuries, friends and family have gathered around the dinner table to share a meal and connect. Over the last 2 years, weve cooked up exciting recipes together, and now its time for us to dish up our final meal and close the kitchen. Thanks for being a great member of the Chef. Ville community we loved delivering you a fun experience. We dont take the decision to sunset our games lightly but we made the tough decision to close Chef. Ville so our team of game makers can put their passion, energy, and time into developing new games. The rest of the announcement explains how current Chef. Ville players can get a special Thank You gift that can appear either in Farm. Ville 2 or in Castle. Ville Legends. If you play Castle. Ville Legends, you will get an exclusive statue of Madeline to decorate your castle. ChefVille is a flash social game on Facebook where players are able to create and mange their dream restaurant and kitchen. In the game, players role play as a chief. It is unclear exactly what the gift is for players of Farm. Ville 2. Madeline is one of the NPCs non player characters in Chef. Ville. She gives quests and becomes the players first friend that the player can visit and obtain ingredients from. I decided to select the Castle. Ville Legends option. I think it might still be accessible through Zyngas website and I might have tried it before. It remains to be seen if I will enjoy that game enough to continue playing it. Games Chefville' title='Games Chefville' />One of the reasons I was surprised to learn that Chef. Ville would be shutting down was because, the day before the announcement, Zynga came up with an improved way for players to scroll through quests. That scroll bar enabled players to quickly view all of their quests and to select the one they wanted. It was a huge improvement over the previous version, which forced players to individually click either the up button, or the down button, many times, in order to find the quest you wanted to do. Hello Chefville Fans. This app is NOT the game It is an unofficial fan app This is the ultimate Fan App everyone should have instaled. This app will. 4. Price Freehttp hIDSERP,5422. Chefville Games for GirlsWhen you invite your friends for the dinner and once you get in the kitchen, its very hard to make a choice about what to cook. Fortunately, our chef is wellprepared. This new system not only worked much more smoothly, but also showed how close a player was to completing each quest. It is exactly what I wanted to see in Chef. Ville. This is my restaurant in Chef. Ville. Or, at least, it is the section that a player starts with. Ive altered it a bit since then. The gold statues behind the counters are something a player must earn by completing certain quest chains. It declares that you are an expert on a certain type of food. Functionally, each statue will give a player some coins if he or she clicks on it. Midi Codec Pack. I liked the way that many of the stoves looked like a set. They all appeared to be made of brass, or copper, and were shiny. It made things look more aesthetically pleasing than the stoves that related to a certain type of food Chinese, Thai, Indian, Irish, German, etc that were different shapes and colors. This section started out as locked. A player had access to the stove and the cake case that matched each other. They couldnt, however, put those items into this section right away. Instead, players had to bake each of the 1. Gourmet points, I guess It was only after the player had earned enough Gourmet points that he or she could unlock the section that corresponded with the cake stove and case. It took a long time This is what the Cake Display Case looks like after you earn Gourmet Mastery in all eleven cakes. The Tart section was also locked, at first, and functioned the same way that the cake section did. Players had to do the whole bake each item until it earns the Gourmet award thing before they could put the corresponding stove and tart rack into the section it was designed to be in. It took a long time. This is what the Tarts Display Case looked like after you earned Gourmet Mastery on all eleven tarts. This part is the Ice Cream section. I should note that I am not using the proper names of each section. Ive simplified it in order to have it make more sense to me. It functioned just like the Cake section and the Tart section. It, too, took a long time to complete. This is what the Ice Cream Fridge display looks like after you have earned Gourmet Mastery on all eleven kinds of ice cream. As you can see, Ive completed this section. Somehow, Ive still got a couple of quests that are related to it that I havent finished. The reason why is simple I had difficulty finding the quests because of the poor functionality of the way players had to sort through quests up until yesterday, that is. UPDATE I finally finished all the ice cream quests It would have been nice if Id seen them back when I started working on the ice cream stuff. This section is the Easter Bunnys House. The stove, matching mixer, and maxing prep table, went with this section. A second set of Easter quests included the little booths, the box of sprinkles at the front of the section, and the cart with colored eggs on it. I stuck them into the Easter Bunnys House section because it seemed the best place to put them. The pastel colored stove is the Spring Stove which has nothing to do with this section, but I felt it fit in there anyway. Players had to use the stove and mixer, and prep table thing to complete quests that appeared when this section opened. The ultimate goal was to earn enough Mastery Stars, on the food that one can only cook on that particular stove, to level up the Easter Bunnys House all the way. Oh, and the chocolate Easter Bunny was a special item that gives the player some of the ingredients that the recipes that the stove in this section required. It took a while, but wasnt as tough as the sections that required Gourmet awards. Players could pick and choose which recipes they wanted to work on and which they would rather skip. These two sections were a lot of fun. See the crab shack at the bottom Some of the stoves in this section connect to it. The goal was to complete quests, and earn enough Mastery Stars, to unlock the crab shack. It dispenses ingredients that the recipes on the stoves connected to this part require. Check out the little table with a crab sitting on it. Use it, and the crab moves. It suddenly has salt and pepper shakers in its claws, and it shakes it until the food is seasoned. Games Age Empire 2 Full Version more. This amused me I also added in a group of Mermaid stoves that came from a different set of quests. The fish tank in the other section was something players had to build.